The number of chronic undernourished people has risen to 821 million people in 2017 worldwide. The prevalence of undernourishment is escalating [e.g. Africa (21%), Asia (11.4%)] with limited efforts towards achieving SDG target to eradicate hunger by 2030.

Key donors like WFP and FAO have shown increased interest in interventions do not only prioritise adequate caloric intake/nutrient-density alone but extend the application of local resource (agricultural and technological) to promote optimal nutrition and increase sustainability of health outcomes.

It is imperative therefore that enormous consideration should be given to the role of indigenous agricultural produce, dietary patterns, indigenous food processing methods and cooking practices in the design of novel food concept for nutritional interventions.

Our tailored functional recipes (TFR) concept is one of such interventions and it prioritises meals that are optimised from local agriculture produce, formulated based on local food consumption patterns and dietary preference to meet nutritional need of a given population.

Our tailored nutrition interventions have improved clinical outcomes of undernourished populations, e.g. cachexic female patients in India, underweight stunted-anaemic school children in Ghana and managed to delay HIV progression to AIDS among PLHIV in Nigeria.